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about fosterpups.png
Hey, I'm Joey Smith!

                                                I strive to match Betty White's love for animals, Buddy the elf's dedication to crafting, and Forrest Gump's ability to excel in new and unexpected areas (including, but not limited to, ping pong). My all-time most watched movie is Knight's Tale and I am in the percentage of humans who enjoy assembling Ikea furniture. One of my pet peeves is when "that's just the way it is" is used to excuse poor behavior, design, or unwillingness to change. My excitement for the positive potential in a UX career is what quells the anxious thoughts about my 'purpose' in life and I can't wait to get started.

My Journey to UX

Harvard GSD.png

Four years of architecture swiftly coming to an end

Applications for our futures we knew to send

Acceptances were thrilling and meant time to relax

For who ever heard of widespread 'take backs'


Well for those who hadn't heard, the time was hear

As they withdrew the opportunities and our coinciding cheer

Cancelled architecture & planning at the STL Zoo

Cancelled landscape architecture program at Harvard's GSD too


Fortunate to have the barn and a horse-girl best friend

Work with horses and children carried through the year's end

Not sure if architecture is truly the best fit

Online education means back to the whole 'student' bit


A certificate in design thinking from IDEO U

Improving Illustrator skills and auditing marketing too

Making lots of art and feeling vexed

Before realizing everything led to straight to UX


Now here, having completed the UX courses

(And having had extra time to hang with the horses)

I feel ready to let my varied education show

And continue to learn on the job as I go

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